Salvage yard
Salvage Yard Salvage yard is the place or location where a business in dismantling where wrecked or decommissioned vehicles are brought, their usable parts are sold for use in operating vehicles, while the unusable metal parts are sold to be used to metal-recycling. Meero Auto Recyclers is one the best Salvage yards in Caledon & Toronto to find what you're looking for in used auto parts. Nowadays is hard to find the right used working part for just any vehicle. we make sure all our parts and are towards your standards! We also accept return for any non-used parts so you don't need to worry! Visit us at our Salvage yard at 20424 St. Andrews Rd, Caledon, ON L7K 2C9 & we will be more than happy to help you with any auto parts you're looking for!